Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge


Product Name: Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge

Click here to get Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


It took me 104 days to turn a £100 betting bank into £5000 profit, betting on football

Together, we are going to take another £100 bank and turn it into £5000 before the end of July using the same strategy.


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From the desk of Stephen,

Question: How does withdrawing £5000 in tax-free profit in the next 4 months sound to you?

I’m sure you’ve heard it all before and you’re probably very skeptical – I completely understand, but if you give me a few minutes of your time, I will explain exactly how I’m going help YOU take a starting bank of £100… and build it all the way up to £5000, placing football bets.

Now, before I begin, there are certain requirements that are needed from your side… and these are quite simple. If you find yourself being unable answer yes to all 3, this is probably not for you.

You have access to an online betting account such as Betfair, Bet 365 etc. (any bookmaker!)

You have 5 minutes of free time each day to place your bets (That’s all you need!)

A starting balance of £100 in your betting account (nothing more needed than that).

If you answered yes to all of the above questions then you’re EXACTLY the type of punter that I’m looking for!

Our most recent challenge concluded in January .
My final balance was £5,289.13 – all the way up from a starting bank of £100. I withdrew the excess and I’ll be starting on £100 again – along with anyone else who wants to join me.

” So, WHO are you and WHY are you doing this..? “

For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Stephen and I’ve been in the sports betting industry for about half of my life. I like to work closely with any punters who are part of my services, with the key being to make profit… and using the Conquer Football betting strategy.

I was always into sports betting (racing, football, tennis, cricket, NFL. darts – you name it), but when I first got into it, online sports betting wasn’t really a thing. It was all done at the betting shops. I used to place my bets on a Saturday morning and hope that the weekend went my way. If there were big midweek games, I would make a plan to go down to the shop to get my bets on.

I had some good weeks, I also had quite a few shockers. Over time, I didn’t really make much profit. I saw it as more of a hobby than anything else and I only really bet for the fun of it. I would even bet on “hot tips” that I would get off friends. Sometimes these paid off but more often than not, they didn’t.

When I think about it now, I was clearly going nowhere with my betting.

I made too many emotional betting decisions, I chased losses.

It was messy, but I learned from I’m sure that you have probably struggled with at least one, if not all of these problem!

When the betting world moved online, that’s when things changed for me.
Online bookmakers made it so much easier to place bets at more competitive odd and the best part about it was more and more data became available.

With all these resources available I decided that this was something I had to pursue

The reason I’m running the Conquer Football betting service is because I want to help struggling punters make tidy profit over a 3-4-month period.

For more than 10 years, I made very little money with sports betting. The odd day or week would come where I would go on a crazy run and make a few thousand p0unds, but I would end up losing it all back to the bookies within the next 7 days!

I had to get serious about it and that’s exactly what I did.

I decided that I had to kick the bad betting habits, I had to develop a strategy and I had to learn bankroll management. In short, it was all down to being more disciplined as a punter and this is why my service is perfect for you – All you need to do is copy every move I make.

Back to the story and over a few years, everything had changed. I focused on one style of betting and focused on football only.

Most recently, I turned £100 to £5000 earlier this season. I’ve managed to do this a few times in the last two years and I want you to join me on the next one.

I know EXACTLY what it’s like to be a frustrated punter – I WAS THAT GUY! Through all the knowledge and experience I have gained, following the Conquer Football Betting Challenge could see you walk away with £5000 in tax free profit by June!

Here’s HOW I’m going to turn £100 into £50o0… AGAIN!

How I did it:

If you take a look at my last ‘run’, all the bets were carefully selected. On any given day, especially weekends, there are hundreds of matches and possible bets to choose from and usually ended up narrowing it down to 4-5 of them out of hundreds. You’ll notice I focused it on English and also some European football mixed in along with the World Cup.

Our starting bank of £100 was never put in any danger and as the bank grew so did our stakes. Staking at the beginning was mainly £10 on singles, rising as we won, with a bit more caution given to any doubles.

It took us 104 days to achieve the task with our betting odds ranging from 1.50 all the way up until about 3.80 being the highest odds.

How you’re going to do it:

Starting on Saturday morning
(25th March), you will receive an e-mail me, kicking off our £100 to £5000 journey.

Each morning, you’ll receive an e-mail with a blurb about the previous days betting. You will also be told what the next bet is for that day. All betting is delivered via the ‘member access only’ shared spreadsheet. All calculations and results updates are done automatically so you’ll be able to keep track of the progress on a daily basis.

All you will need to do is place the same bets that I do.

Even if you have never placed a bet or seen a football match in your life, you will be able to do this.

It’s that easy.

CUT-OFF FOR SIGN-UPS: 24th March (Midnight Friday night)

The first members betting e-mail to start the challenge will go out to members on Saturday morning.

Before we begin, we need to discuss this…

You may have come across various claims like “System that generates £500,000 profit a YEAR!” or “Method that earns £660 per day!” – most of these services do not deliver on their promises because their claims are outrageous. Bookmakers would never allow you to win like this unless you use the betting exchange.

Let me clarify that this is not a get rich quick scheme.

Our goal is to make a profit of £5000 within 3 to 4 months. That means we are averaging about £1700 a month! Nothing to write home about, but a tidy profit.

I want to be transparent with you and let you know that we won’t win every single bet.

It’s impossible.

We will have some losing bets, but based on my experience and methods, I fully expect to turn £100 into £5000 over the next 3 months.

I can’t guarantee this outcome, but what I can assure you is that my service comes with a 30-day guarantee. If you are unhappy with the service or can see that it is not working, you can receive a FULL refund within the first 30 days of the challenge. Last challenge, not a single request was made.

You have nothing to lose here.

If you see I’m not the real deal, I’ll gladly give you a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check out our most frequently asked questions below.
If you can’t find the answer that you’re looking for, please don’t
hesitate to get in touch by e-mailing me at

Question: What do I need to be able to join this?

Answer: A betting account with a £100 balance… and 5 minutes of your time each day. This service is meant to be simple, set and forget and NOT use any of your valuable time.

Question: What types of bets are we placing?

Answer: All bets are done on football. All bets are back bets in the standard markets that are most used (win market, over 2.5+ goals market, Both teams to score market – the usuals). All of these betting markets are available on about 99% of bookmakers.

Question: When does the service start?

Answer: The FIRST bet will be sent out on Saturday Morning (25th March)

Question: When is the cut-off to join?

Answer: You need to be signed up by midnight on Friday night!

Question: Is there customer or technical support?

Answer: Everything is handled by me. I am on hand 24/7 and you can e-mail me whenever you need to get in touch. Send an e-mail to and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. No later than 24 hours but you should receive a response a lot quicker than that.

Question: What does it cost to join the service?

Answer: The cost is a flat, once-off fee of £45 for the entire service. NO hidden charges. NO recurring charges.

Question: Is there a money back guarantee with this service?

Answer: We offer a FULL 30-day money back guarantee on this service. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you’re for a full refund at any time within 30 days of your purchase.

You’re nearly there…

Now let’s skip to the painful part…

How much is this going to set me back?


Once-Time Payment

That’s all it takes to join the £5000 Football Betting Challenge.
3-4 months from now, you’ll be withdrawing £5000 in tax-free profit.

Final Word…

This fee of £45 is the only fee you will need to pay to join the service. First bets go out on Saturday 25th of March and that will be the first day that aims to see us turn £100 into £5000. You will quickly see that the service works as I always anticipate the bank to grow early on.

If for any reason you are unhappy with the service I provide, you’re eligible for a no fuss, no quibble 30-day money back guarantee that you can claim at any time from the day of purchase.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to turn a £100 into £5000 TAX-FREE profit.

YES! Please Sign Me Up!

Join using Clickbank’s Secure Servers!
ANY Time of the day or night.

Customer and Technical Support

You can contact us at any time. Just e-mail me (Stephen), using this address:


Click here to get Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Conquer Football: £100 to £5000 Betting Challenge is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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